Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's official: May 5

We signed the papers. Not the marriage papers, but the papers that obligate us to hold a big party at a big house in Lenox.

So SAVE THE DATE: May 5, 2007. Cinco de Mayo. In Italiano, that's Cinque di Maggio. Of course, the date has no meaning in Italian, but my accent is better.

Anyway, be there or be square.


Anonymous said...

Cinco de Mayo? Must remember to pack the trunk of the car with Corona, lime and Pinatas.... :)

GordoBlog said...

Oh, a big Pinata. What we'll fill it with I do not know. Margaritas, too.

Anonymous said...

Cinque di Maggio, hmm,Nope nothing in Italy, but for the French, it is ze mort de l'impérateur...Manzoni wrote some puffy poem about Napoleon copping it called Cinque di Maggio. If, however, you read it as if a eulogy to Gordon's bachelorhood copping it, it starts to get pretty funny. Ok, I am on fumes, it's late afternoon at the office, I'm bored silly, and am indulging in blog graffiti.