It's fun to see how each invitee responds. Some do their best Joe Friday ("just the facts, ma'am"), letting a simple yes or no suffice. Others have written really nice notes to us, or in some other way expressed their excitement about our excitement about our Big Day.
I'm even becoming fond of the exclamation mark, which during normal times is my least favorite piece of punctuation. Somehow, when you see one on a reply card, it just brightens your day. (Of course, I'm not sure that would be the case if someone wrote "NO!!!!!!!")
My nephew, Ethan, sent a funny one, which listed all the reasons he is still skeptical that this wedding is for real. Thankfully, he's willing to play along and attend.
Pictured on this page is another response, from the Strumph family. Young Celia provided some lovely artwork to illustrate the card. It's great to open the envelopes and see such creativity.
In any event, as they say in show biz: Keep those cards and letters coming!
Just a couple of questions...
okay maybe 2 plus a suggestion.
1.) Are you "registered" anywhere?
I already bought your gift, but I was curious.
2.) Where is the honeymoon?
3.) Don't forget to take photos in NYC this weekend to post next week.
Have fun!
We are glad the plans are coming along despite Ethan's skepticism.
We are excited about the Big Day.
Love from,
The Redheads
Honeymoon is looking like it will be in Italy, though maybe Spain, Greece, Mexico, France, or Ukraine. Ok, probably not Ukraine. Maybe the Amalfi coast. Maybe Tuscany. Maybe somewhere we haven't yet imagined.
Photos in NYC, fer sure. The best men and their helpers have assembled an impressive crew of guys to attend the festivities. Very excited for it.
Ethan's skepticism was mostly witty. He called us (twice!) to make sure that we interpreted it as wit. No worries, E. We thought it was funny, too.
We are registered, but Julie thinks it's tacky to mention it. Which is funny, because it was her idea to register. Conundrums, conundrums. (Williams-Sonoma & Bloomingdale's. You can find it online via the Wedding Channel Web site.)
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